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Landscape #10

Fri, Apr 22



"Visualization Rite" with the Artist Geldinganes Island

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Landscape #10
Landscape #10

Time and Location

Apr 22, 2022, 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM GMT

LANDSCAPE #10, Geldinganes, Reykjavík, Iceland


Landscape #10

Pedro Gramaxo

22. apríl kl 17

„Visualization Rite“ með listamanni. Geldinganes, Ísland

(Mæting á Kayakaklúbbinn, Geldinanesi, 112 Reykjavík)

Pedro Gramaxo býður áhorfendum að taka þátt í leiðsögn að útilistaverki sínu í Geldinganesi.

Landscape project – Landslagsserían

Landslagsserían hófst árið 2018 og hefur verið sýnd í Argentínu, Bosníu, Brasilíu, Portúgal og Rússlandi. Verkefnið er einskonar afturhvarf til hins klassíska landslagsmálverks og iðkunnar þess en er á sama tíma



The "Landscape Series" started in 2018 and have been exhibited in Argentina, Bosnia, Brazil, Portugal, and Russia.

The project was developed with the idea to express itself as a reset of the classic academic landscape painting exercise for the representation of a wide and careful composition of natural bodies in various geographic, chromatic, and climacteric contexts, where human or artificial structures were, sometimes, also included.

 The intention is to remove the term “scenic”, two-dimensional aspects, and artificial presences from this artistic expression, updating it to a contemporary context with four dimensions, leading the viewer to witness this landscape; thus, we no longer integrate an individual graphic interpretation but evolving to a full experience with a tectonic reaction that encompasses multiple perceptions and interpretations.

Through these constructions, the artist reveals his imaginary, just as the viewer reveals his perception. The desired contrast between reality and illusion, the organic and the geometric, the natural and the artificial, is born. Pedro then develops an investigation based on the importance of bodily presence in situ and its relationship with ourselves and memory. In this way, he links the environment and human perception in their constant and eternal dialogue before our eyes.

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