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Internal Clocks

Thu, Oct 27



Internal Clocks is a project curated and organized by Claudia Breitschmid, Annabelle von Girsewald and Samuel Haettenschweiler. The trio met at @simresidency in Reykjavik, Iceland in 2021.

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Internal Clocks
Internal Clocks

Time and Location

Oct 27, 2022, 5:00 PM GMT+2 – Nov 06, 2022, 6:00 PM GMT+1

Berlin, Kaiserdamm 102, 14057 Berlin, Germany


Opening Thursday, 27.10.2022, 17 - 22h  


* Laura Aberham * Hildigunnur Birgisdóttir * Mercedes Borguńska * Claudia Breitschmid * Arnold Dreyblatt * Love Enqvist * Christoph Giesch * Styrmir Örn Guðmundsson * Giulia Hess * Donia Jornod * Pauline Julier * Hae Young Ji * Sara Masüger * Agata Mickiewicz * Masaya Ozaki * Samuel Haettenschweiler * Saemundur Thor Helgason * Ásta Fanney Sigurðardóttir *SumVivus * Laura Skehan * Paula Tyliszczak *  

Whose time zone are we in? How do we define our internal clock or rather clocks? The exhibition Internal Clocks seeks within the imagination to interpret our contemporary condition whilst offering new rhythms, rituals and traces. Multiple versions of clocks act as an operating model. Twenty-one artists working with sculpture, painting, sound, video, installation and performance, have created works each ticking within their own oscillating apparatus. Multiple versions of clocks act as models to assist in new thinking operating from a heterotopian standpoint.  

Internal Clocks is a project curated and organized by Claudia Breitschmid, Annabelle von Girsewald and Samuel Haettenschweiler. The trio met at @simresidency in Reykjavik, Iceland in 2021.  

Events 27.10.2022 | 17 – 22h | Opening Performances by: 19h – Ásta Fanney Sigurðardóttir, 20h/21h – SumVivus 29.10.2022 | 15h | Tour (Artists present) 06.11.22 | 14 – 19h | Finissage Culterim Gallery, Kaiserdamm 102,14057 Berlin Supported by Culterim, Stiftung Temperatio, Aargauer Kuratorium, Kanton Zug, Irish Embassy, BVBK Graphic design by @ingikristjan

@ingikristjan @claudia_breitschmid @annabellevon @samuelhaettenschweiler @paulatyliszczak @masayaozaki @julierpauline @borgunska @arnolddreyblatt @loveenqvist @styrmirorn @haeyoung_ji @astafanney_art @lauraaberham @sumvivus @doniajornod @a_t_a_g_a_t_a @hildigunnru @saemundur_thor @laurske_ @culterimgallery

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