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Fri, Oct 28


SÍM Hlöðuloftið

4H exhibition aka Open Studios October 2022

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Time and Location

Oct 28, 2022, 5:00 PM – 9:00 PM GMT

SÍM Hlöðuloftið, Thorsvegur 1, 112 Reykjavík, Iceland


4H exhibition aka Open Studios at SIM Residency

28th of October, 2022

A one day group exhibition/open studios is taking place at SIM Residency Korpúlfsstaðir! A unique chance to see the monthly work of the international artists united from 2 residency houses of Korpúlfsstaðir and Seljavegur.

The Icelandic artist Sigurður Guðjónsson has once said, that emotions are more precise in understanding and making sense of art, than the rational mind. This idea works very well as an input, a foreplay for looking at contemporary art and art in process, that so often take place in art residencies.

A german school collaborating with scientists from different fields called bildwissenschaft, has referred to artworks as separate entities with historical memory. Aristotle’s energeia – an object has a power and mind on its own interacting and relating to the viewer. A freedom to give meaning to what we see, experience and to look beyond the artwork is a natural tendency too human to deny. The creative outcome expressed in the most diverse media, will give an opportunity to sharpen the mind and expand the capacity to sense multiple layers of reality. This vital activity has the power to create culture, societies, communities and push people to action or inaction. This is a warm invitation to come be a part of a living organism and a contemporary co-creation.

Location | SÍM  Residency Korpúlfsstaðir, Reykjavik, Iceland 

Time | 28.10.2022 from 5PM to 9PM

The Artists

Epe Niiranen (FI) | Yoichi Kamimura (JP) | Nara Bak (KR) | Frida Vige Helle (NO) | Jae Youl Jeoung (KR) | Eric Parren (NL/US) | Miyoung Chang (KR/NL) | Kyla Gilbert (CA) | Laura Aubree (FR) | Olga Zherebetska (UA) | Tori Cherry (US) | Madeleine Soich (US) | Aysha Hamouda (CH/US)

Curatorial assistance | Liisi Kõuhkna and Martynas Petreikis 

Installation and technical support | SÍM Residency

Poster photo and design by Nara Bak (KR)

Virtual exhibition of 4Timar

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