Volcanic Library
My research focused on observations of climate, sound and colour during walks in nature, which manifested as visual traces in the form of drawings, paintings and objects. The works included pigments made with natural elements collected in Iceland (rocks, seaweed, etc.).
It was presented at the group exhibition Limbó: Towards Sound // The Rampant Walls of Nýlistasafnið (Living Art Museum in Reykjavik) from 23 to 26 March.
I later extended this work in collaboration with Colombian sound artist Juan David Bermudez for the open studio. We used collected stones to create a sound that drew lines.

Name :
Jiôn Kiim
Country :
Korea/ Portugal
Project :
Volcanic Library
Residency :
Month :
Year :
Grants :
This work has been kindly supported by the Culture Moves Europe Programme of the European Union, implemented by the Goethe-Institute.
This work was produced with the financial assistance of the European Union.
The views expressed herein can in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Union.
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