Today, Tomorrow, and the Tales from the Wind
"Today, Tomorrow, and the Tales from the Wind" is an ongoing photography-sound project exploring the interplay and co-existence of nature and humanity in the Anthropocene era in Nordic regions. Drawing from personal experiences of growing up amidst rapid urban expansion in the largest developing country in East Asia and subsequently relocating to Finland, the project questions whether the Nordics epitomize an idealized human-nature coexistence or exist as a fragile utopia.
Inspired by regional heritage, folklore, myths, and the current environmental challenges such as deforestation, glacier melting, and the human sensory experience amidst evolving natural landscapes. The project reimagines a delicate utopia by documenting and reconstructing visual and sonic elements between the Nordics and China, through approaches such as double-exposure and overlaying in photographic and sonic experiments.
Name :
Timjune Tianjun Li
Country :
Project :
Today, Tomorrow, and the Tales from the Wind
Residency :
Month :
Year :
Grants :
Aalto Art and Media Grant
Website :
Email :