Spherical Harmonics for Sonic Baton, Electric Guitar and Modular Synth
Spherical Harmonics is an experimental composition process and collaboration between conductor Majella Clarke and composer Peter J. Østergaard. The instrumentation is unique with a sonic conducting baton, electric guitar and modular synthesiser. The scoring for the conductor gestures is based on spherical harmonics - while used extensively in various fields such as physics, engineering, and computer graphics to solve problems involving spherical domains, this artistic process uses spherical harmonics to generate a series of gesture scores. The conductor traces the gesture score of the spherical harmonics with their baton. The gesture movements are synthesised in Max and provide a sonic accompaniment to the electric guitar.

Name :
Majella Clarke
Country :
Project :
Spherical Harmonics for Sonic Baton, Electric Guitar and Modular Synth
Residency :
Month :
Year :
Grants :
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