Diorama is a stilled minimal visual art work addressing man’s natural and constructed habitat as stripped-down entities between which a relation of permanent dialogue exists, if wanted. Destruction and restoration are envisioned by abstracted tree, snow, river and volcanic landscape. Used materials are wood, wax, and volcanic ash from the Eyjafjallajökull 2010 eruption, both being poisonous and fertile ash the same time. The ash is the estimated remains in kg of the artist after his cremation.

Name :
Kevin Trappeniers
Country :
Project :
Residency :
Month :
Year :
Grants :
funded by: Culture Moves Europe Mobility Grant (the European Union - implemented by the Goethe Institut)
with the support of: Flemish Government, deAuteurs
thanks to: SIM (The Association of Icelandic Visual Artists), C-TAKT
Website :
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