In a vision I was gliding above landscapes
resembling the glacier melt runoffs of South Iceland, like vast rivers and their tributaries.
I was feverish, my body breaking down
red blood cells being destroyed by a virus.
How does the Arctic speak of its own slow extinction?
How does it articulate the thinning of its blood?
For what are glaciers, if not bodies
dying organisms
(what are we,
if not the same?)
I photographed myself in the Icelandic landscape, merging my vision and body into single images.
At the same time, I made polaroids of the Sólheimajökull glacier - seen from above the glaciers appear as vast, vanishing entity; yet from a closer perspective, they become a portal to the passage of time.
‚Anaemia‘ was created in the Ljósmyndaskólinn darkroom during my stay at SÍM residency.
Name :
Steffi Drerup
Country :
Project :
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